Day 1: A Picture of Me and 10 Facts
I saw this idea on 20 Something Bloggers and decided to take a stab at it. It will introduce me a little more and encourage me to post every day. I'm struggling with non-boring facts, so I figured I'd go into my food crazy.
10 Facts
1. I have to shake my own ketchup. Andrew can shake the bottle, squirt some on his plate and hand the bottle over but, I will close the cap and shake it myself. Only then can I use the ketchup.
2. Don't touch my milk, or pour it either. Milk is my most sensitive food issue. I can't have anyone pour my milk. If you take it out of the fridge and pour a glass, if I'm not ready for it immediately, put it back. I can't share milk either.
3. Don't touch my yogurt either.
4. I don't like my food to touch on my plate unless I specifically approve it. As in, I pour gravy on my mashed potatoes. But, if gravy slides across my plate into my green beans uh oh. I'm getting better at this, but I still make a huge effort to dam my food so they don't touch.
5. I hate peas. Except in Macaroni Salad. Strange, I know.
6. I love corn on the cob. As soon as it departs from it's cobby home, no deal. I do not eat corn off the cob. It makes me sick.
I'm running out of food crazy, which is probably good because you are starting to wonder if I'm a weirdo.
7. My favorite color is green.
8. My favorite animals are sheep and moose. It's a tie.
9. I'm trying to learn how to knit and I suck at it.
10. My favorite book is The Gift of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok