
Friday, January 20, 2012

Dakota's Element

We've been unbusy lately. I've been reading away, working on school and relaxing. That leaves me with very little to write about. Our part of Ohio finally got a nice bit of snow, and of course Dakota had to spend as much time outside as possible. Of course, I grabbed my camera.

 He sure does give me quite a look at most times. He's still probably trying to figure out the giant black thing I'm holding up to my face.
And then he resumes playing with his tire. That's not actually his tire, the previous homeowners left it in the yard and Dakota acquired it. I never thought to buy him a tire thing, but he sure does love it. 


  1. Aw!!! He is SO handsome. He really is in his element here. <3 I love how happy his little pup face is. ^_^
