In 2011 we found ourselves on a few adventures outside the state of Ohio. The first one was to Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
We spent a fast 6 hours in the Smokies, we drove straight down and back in one day, but still had a great time.
One weekend we decided to go to New York City. Yep, just decided. From faint idea to actually driving to NY was only about two weeks. The first day we walked almost all of Central Park we also spent time in Times Square.
The real reason were there was the Harry Potter Exhibition of all the set props and costumes, we lost ourselves in Harry Potter.
On the way home from New York we took a detour to Gettysburg. This was a really cool thing to see on the way home.
In 2011 we just couldn't stay away from the Smokies but this time we went with Andrew's parents and stayed in a beautiful cabin. On this trip we actually got to see Bears! On the way back we detoured in Kentucky and toured the Maker's Mark still. I got to try my first Bourbon.
Our last, but not least out of state adventures involved Minnesota. Where we got to visit family! While there we also revisisted our favorite local place, Whitewater State Park.
All in all, we had some cool adventures this year. We both got to see and experience things we had never done before. That's my kind of year!